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Meeting ID: 893 073 8383
Passcode: AmZSociety
About American Zoroastrian Society:
The American Zoroastrian Society (AZS) is registered as a 501(c)(3) tax
exempt organization on August 14,2024. It has been established by a
group of individuals dedicated to promoting the universal and inclusive
message of Zarathushtra as conveyed in the Gathas. As more individuals
discover his teachings, the need for a welcoming community that provides
primary education and fosters acceptance becomes increasingly evident.
Such an organization is currently needed in North America. Our goal is
to collaborate with other Zoroastrian organizations and communities to
make Zarathushtra's message accessible to all who seek it.
Website: http://www.amzsociety.org
Email: [email protected]
About the Speaker:
Dr. Anne Khademian is a Zoroastrian by choice, and served as the
president of the ZAMWI Board of Trustees from 2017 to 2021 and as an
Avesta Class teacher and coordinator for many years before she was
elected to the Board. She is the Executive Director of the Universities
at Shady Grove, an innovative campus in the University System of
Maryland supporting pathways for all students to accessible and
affordable higher education and high demand career opportunities. Prior
to joining the University System of Maryland, Anne served as the
Director of Virginia Tech's School of Public and International Affairs,
and as a Fellow with the Virginia Tech Office of the President,
responsible for advancing strategic initiatives. Her research and
published work focuses on the practice of inclusive management,
understanding and managing organizational culture, and organizational
change. Anne is the chair of the Board of Directors for Montgomery
County Maryland’s Chamber of Commerce, and a member of the Board for the
County’s Economic Development Corporation. She is a fellow with the
National Academy of Public Administration, and was inducted to the
Michigan State University Athletic Hall of Fame for cross country in
Cultures and communities that survive and thrive have characteristics
and practices that build resilience, and a capacity for creativity to
continuously flex and adapt in a dynamic world. This talk explores the
diversity of ideas and experience as a robust part of any resilient and
creative culture, and extends the exploration to our Zoroastrian
community and culture in America today. While I have studied and written
about culture in my professional life, I am not a scholar of the
Zoroastrian faith, the Gathas, or the expansive and sweeping history of
Zoroastrianism. I am instead a member of my Zoroastrian community for
more than two decades. In this talk, I will draw on my experience
becoming a member of the Zoroastrian Community and my experience with
the Washington, DC community that welcomed me and my family, and focus
on the powerful core concepts that drew me to the faith on my own. These
core concepts, I believe are the key, if practiced, to a resilient,
creative, and thriving Zoroastrian culture and community in North
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us.
Thank you,
Artemis Javanshir
American Zoroastrian Society
[email protected]